Re: "New" Cyanotype - & Pt/Pd proportions

Beakman (
Tue, 07 January 1997 7:55 AM

> On Tue, 7 Jan 1997, Beakman wrote:
> > >
> > > Dan
> >
> > My negatives need a contrast range of 3.3.
> >
> > Good luck!
> >
> > David Fokos
> >
> Are your negatives' density range really 3.3, or is this a typo.
> John

This question implies (to me anyway) two questions, both of which I'll
answer. First, my paper prints a density range of 3.3. This is not a
typo. Second, and perhaps this is really what you are asking, my
negatives, as they come out of the developer do not have a range of 3.3.
However, I am now making digital internegs which *do* have a range of
3.3. With this process I could go as high as about 7.0 if I really wanted.

David Fokos
