Re: Bromoil Paper

Henk Thijs (
Fri, 10 January 1997 3:41 AM

Terry asked:

>Kentmere have made a small test batch of bromoil paper as a trial. It is
>the Document Art emulsion on a smooth base.
>Is there enough demand for them to make another batch ?

If the way of working is similar to the Kentmere DocArt I am certainly
I need some paper in the next future , so I will wait.
Thanks for your effort, regards Henk

  Henk    Thijs                 tel: +31-(0)43-3661249  
  Eurocontrol Maastricht UAC    fax: +31-(0)43-3661300 
  Horsterweg 11       email:                       
  NL-6191 RX  Beek(l)     T h e  N e t h e r l a n d s  
