> Help!
> All of a sudden I am getting a number of blisters on my carbon prints.
> This is air trapped between the wet emulsion and the transfer sheet.
> The tissue is very well squeegied to the transfer sheet.
snip%< rest deleted
Are you boiling the water (or using recently distilled water) to soak
the tissue before you transfer the tissue to the support? This time
of year (winter) dissolved Oxygen is always a big problem for the
photographic industry (I have numerous suggestions from Kodak and
Ilford on how to combat the problem when mixing color chemistry. ie
attach a 100' garden hose to your water source so that the disolved
oxygen comes out of the water as it warms in the hose.)
-greg schmitz
>===for PGP Key finger Greg Schmitz <gws1@cunix.cc.columbia.edu>===
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