Re: alternative/ analogy to health care

Gary Auerbach (
Mon, 13 January 1997 4:12 PM

Many mentions of alternative health care.

the chiropractic profession has long had members who didn't like its
name. Call yourself Neuro vertabralogist. Anything, but not
chiropractic, because it has an ancient greek meaning "to practice
by hand".

Chiropractors consider themselves complimary, but they deffinitely
also consider themselves an alternative, to medicine.

Today in Geneva, as a matter of fact, the world health organization
accepted the World federation of chiropractic as a partner organization
within its body, even though the medical profession was opposed.
Scientific results has been the difference.

We ought hold true the names of processes that we use from the past.
New processes alternative to silver gelatin will survive on the basis
of their acceptance.

We should deliniate between photography (to capture the image) and fine
art photographic printmaking. ( to translate the image onto a two
dimensional piece of paper). When photographic printmaking is discussed
by photographers, alternative processes are known to many more than one

It is hard to ask the uninterested to understand the intricies of what
we do.

Gary Auerbach
