Re: All-terns-ate

Judy Seigel (
Mon, 13 January 1997 4:19 PM

On Tue, 14 Jan 1997, Jack Fulton wrote:
>. Historical
> fills the bill.

Oh not, not, not. "Historical" is a snore. Better "hysterical." Better
"alltern-state," better "alter-state", better "anorak"!

Actually, I like anorak. We ARE concerned with process. I like the hood
part, and the Inuit. Remember, if we're going to win this power struggle,
we 've got to appeal to flighty generation-X'ers. If no one is coming up
behind you, you're dead. (Or, as we say, "you're history"!)

They are NOT coming up for something called "historical processes" -- and
frankly, neither am I, even if it were accurate, which it isn't.

PS. But what about "X photography"?

Pronounced "ex-photography," "ex" being Latin for "from," meaning "from
photography", as in "out of" photography, or "made from" or "departing
from" or "derived from".
