I am torn between buying a small still or a demineralizer or a
deionizer (the kind of units that use resin cartridges-like the
Barnstead systems). Stills are very expensive and produce only small
volumes but somewhere I seem to recall reading that deionized water
could present problems with certain developers. I have searched high
and low for the reference but without success. Has anyone heard
anything like this about deionized water? Is anyone using deionized
or deminerlized water to mix their chemistry?
>===for PGP Key finger Greg Schmitz <gws1@cunix.cc.columbia.edu>===
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Key fingerprint = 73 D3 91 15 96 69 74 E5 14 51 71 44 C8 ED 01 11
Key ID: A7026B1D Key Size: 1024 bits Created: 1994/11/10