Re: No class (was Re: No Digest)

Tom Ferguson (
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 22:53:52 -0800

First of all, three cheers for Gordon. To take over this list is, I'm
sure, a lot of work. To be greeted by so many "unsubscribes", complaints,
and insults is truely a crime. Please don't respond any more than you have
to when replying to these mis-guided folks. I recently got into a "you
said" then "I have to say" back and forth on the list.
Stupid of me, it accomplished nothing good. I don't think it is possible
to win a "flame" war, and there are WAY too many people out there that
"live for them", thus spoiling a place for the rest of us. You won't find
me at anymore.

This list has always been a wonderfuly spirited but civilized place. Let
the unhappy lurkers go, lets match their complaints with our thanks to
those who make the list work.

PS... Kerik, this is not in reply to you. I simply liked your "title" for
this thread best.