I am now working with a 20 x 24 process camera that I mentioned
online about 6 months ago. I print in platinum/palladium.
Having acquired it for a paltry sum of $300 from an international
corporation, it did require an additional $850 to have the unit
moved and aligned.
The equipment itself is magnificent. 6000 watts of reflective
light for lighting flat art and 6000 watts of transillumination.
Nikon 480 apo lens and electronic shutters that i am trying to
set to 5 second exposures.
for an 8x10 to be enlarged to 20x24 requires a 240% enlargment.
working in principally portraiure, my 8x10 negatives while sharp in
contact prints, suffer with that enlargment if viewed from close
distances. Therefor i am considering only 16x20 as a maximun
Development of the 20x24 film has not been a problem, as far as working
the trays, simply lack of adequet space to hold (4) 20 x 24 trays
has been a logistical problem.
My film choice in camera is fp4. My film choice is fp4 as sold by
photo Warehouse in california.
Working with fp4, Ilford Universal developer at 1to 9, what is
the replenishment factor for the developer? Poor negative density
will result quickly if developer is not active enuf.
Gary Auerbach