Re: A Project ( about Kodak HIE; Lawless, Lith film, Cyano & Gum)

Cor Breukel (
Fri, 15 Jan 1999 11:34:41 +0100 (MET)

On Thu, 14 Jan 1999 wrote:

> But seriously, thanks for sharing your experiment and experience with us. I
> think the gum print looks very lovely and has a beautiful glow!


> > I've scanned the
> > double coated gum over cyano print, and put it up on my web page, so check
> > it out at
> > A obvious conclusion is that I am not there yet..;-)..the possibilities
> > are infinite with Gum it seems, as well as the time needed for it...
> So nice, humble, and honest sharing. Many others would have said that this is
> exactly the way they want the print to look like. :)

..well that would be a bit presumptuous: it's my first print, and as I
said : I have three versions in front of me: each with a different
"taste"; I still have to choose. And there is room for improvement in
seperating the (orange) mid tones of the plants etc. behind the iron
fence. And I didn't start brushing the print during clearing or other
methods for post exposure contrast influencing..

But probably a more pressing question: is the gum print expressing more
the feeling of "noon" than the original Infrared print ???? (maybe I
should scan this print also, and put it up next to it...)

> Dave

Cor Breukel
"The Infrared Gallery"

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