Richard Sullivan (
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 09:09:51 -0700
I can guarentee that the steel trays won't work for pt/pd. My first
experience was about 15 years ago with Eikoh Hosoe. He stayed with me in
California and learned pt/pd printing. He went back to Japan and went
through hell. It was in pre-FAX days (they had them, we didn't) so we
burned up a lot of money making trans Pacific phone calls. He said he was
getting absolutely no image at all. I shipped more chemistry two or three
times. When talking about contamination, etc, he mentioned his 20 x 24
stanless steel trays. I got suspicious. He changed to plastic and all
worked well. We've had a half dozen helpline calls from other printers
since then with the same problem.
My guess is that Kallitype and vandyke won't work either. Gum is no
problem. Argyrotype probably, cyanotype is a maybe.
At 10:17 AM 1/22/99 -0600, you wrote:
>I've been using stainless steel trays for certain photo processes as I can
>get them made reasonably in odd sizes ( like 10.5x24.5 trays for doing
>8x20 negs and 10x24 print from those negs.) It takes up less room and
>chemicals.Also I can do cirkut negs with long narrow trays. The local
>heating place is kind enough to make them for me for a reaonable price, and
>does a great job. Anyway, I want to
>do VDB , ziatype, and other processes, and have heard that one should stay
>away from the PT/PD processes with metal objects like SS trays. What
>processes are safe to use SS trays, and which ones aren't.As the list could
>get large, I'm most interested in PT/PD, VDB, cyanotype, and POP, and then
>toning as necessary.
>Should I stay away from toning processes as well, using the SS trays? What
>is the problem that arises ?
>Thanks- Jamie Young
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857
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