Sat, 13 Feb 1999 12:34:13 -0700
>>> My own experience is that, although the list is a PRICELESS resource,
> pages are uneven. There is much MIS-information. The great beauty (or one
> of them) of The List is that it's interactive, that is, error is almost
> certainly corrected, or a warp modified, sooner probably than later. I've
> found absolute HOWLERS on web pages, and how is the tyro to know? (Until
> I get an e-mail from them saying "I read so and so on a Web page,
> and....)."
The Web is very different than a printed publication. Keep in mind that
there are some excellent Web sites and some terrible magazines. If it were
as easy and cheap to publish the printed form, we would have a world filled
with poorly written, inaccurate and truly bad magazines.
Errors, and the aforementioned 'unevenness' of the web is not the fault of
the Web, but is the problem we see when literally anyone can throw up a web
page. The biggest issue for me, is this idea many people have that
everything on the World Wide Web or some Newsgroup must be true.
If we want better web sites, we need to insure that we also create web
sites that work well. What the Web can do is amazing, and can surpass the
printed page a thousand fold.
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