Domenick Mirando (
Sun, 14 Feb 1999 11:02:59 -0500 (EST)
> Terragreen products
Yes..I've seen this last year or two but...
..I don't want to involve my septic system which is on the other side of the
house. (ok..I could use this product if I had a holding tank and wanted to
wait for their product (synergistic blend of 8 bacteria) to sit and digest.
Also, aside from not having much/any silver waste, its price of $18.95/lb
is a bit much.
As long as sodium sulfite works for my reasons, I'd much rather buy that from
Artcraft for $16.50/per 5lb.
Actually, if I knew what sodium sulfite is used for other reasons and could
buy it in bulk at say...a swimming pool supply or whatever..thats what I'd
prefer. (Sorry Mike! <G>)
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