Re: Laura Gilpin was Bellows patch

Richard Sullivan (
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 12:35:52 -0700


She's just one of the many photographic ghosts who haunt Santa Fe.
Beaumont, Eliot, and Laura are among the most recently departed. They are
of course nice ghosts. If you sit up in the Pinyons on a quiet night, you
can hear zzzzzzzzzz-click, zzzzzzzzzz-click, zzzzzzzzzz-click. Never just
click! since they are all shooting at f64 they are using slow shutter speeds.

Say hi to Henry.


At 10:34 AM 2/16/99 -0800, Steve Shapiro wrote:
>>... my 8x10 Ellwood enlarger c. 1948. (It
>>used to belong to Laura Gilpin so it's my pride and joy!)
>--Dick Sullivan
>I'm goi8ng to tell her cusin, Henry Gilpin at Monterey eninsula College
>about THAT!

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