Re: Reversal Neg. contrast control

Tom Ferguson (
Fri, 05 Mar 1999 07:26:43 -0800

Kevin O'Brien <> wrote:
>Is APH really a contone film in disquise, with a short, steep, curve or a
>process film (AKA line film), for use with half-tone screens ? <SNIP>

It is made as a line film. But with very careful development and VERY
careful exposure it has a nice (if short) linear area. I've found (I'm new
using this, so take my comments with "salt") that a near perfect exposure
is needed to insure you don't loose highlight of shadw contrast.

>For fine gradation, long scale, contact negatives I believe contone is
>>essential. Alternatively, which is what we into here, the digital output
>to film looks very promising.

You may be right, but as long as we are "alt" there will be numerous ways
to do any one job ;-) I've used Photowarehouse continuos tone film
(FP-4??) for enlarged negs. Works well, but I hoped for better highlight
separation. I've been working recently with the LC-1/APH method from PF#2.
It hold a lot of promise.

One note for those working with APH. I can't remember if "the list" or
Freestyle told me it was safe to use regular/orange safelights with this
film...... WRONG. This explained some of my contrast drift. Remember that
this stuff spends a fair bit of time in the the pre rinse and development
trays. It gets a lot of safelight, and mine did create significant fog!


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