Re: Crane's paper for Pt/Pd (fwd)

Darlington Media Group (
Thu, 11 Mar 1999 21:21:13 +0000

>Rising Bristol two ply plate..........
>Don't know if you want to go there! I've been using it for over 5 years and
>it is very problematic, but it is the only paper I can get the brown tones I
>want so I'm stuck with it. A few tips:
>1. to get maximum warmth from the paper clear in 2 hyd. acid (30-60 mls acid
>to 1 gallon water) but then the paper may turn pinkish due to the acid
>baths so....

Sixty ml of HCL per litre is a 1.58% dilution, slightly higher than the
normally recommended clearing bath for pure palladium prints. As HCL is a
solvent of pure palladium, perhaps the warm image colour is due to the
erosion of the size of the palladium particles ....similar to the brown
image that results when one gets carried away when bleaching a silver
gelatin print in "Farmer's reducer"?

                                Tony McLean.

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