Re: Crane's paper for Pt/Pd (fwd)

Carl Weese (
Thu, 11 Mar 1999 16:30:19 -0500

Judy wrote:

<This doesn't sound like the paper you describe. Are there 2 (or more)
<Crane's Crests?

Maybe. The paper known and loved as "Platinotype" has no watermarks or
deckles and is much heavier than stationery paper. The name situation
seems awful confused.

Speaking of weight, one thing I forgot to point out earlier in this
thread concerning Rising Bristol 2 ply--it is very stiff, though about
the same thickness as Platinotype, and this causes it to lie flatter
when only partly dried for the Ziatype method, and this in turns means
it's more likely to stay put in the print frame and deliver large prints
without "soft spots" from buckling.

And speaking further of print flatness, I am now in possession of a
prototype inspectable-vacuum-contact-printing-frame whose effectiveness
I hope to report on shortly.---Carl

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