Re: Uneven staining of film with rotary processing

Carl Weese (
Wed, 17 Mar 1999 14:15:38 -0500


Interesting: my "rib effect" troubles have mostly been very subtle, but
I've used a full five minute pre-soak in a water/metaborate bath. Your
experience seems to indicate that this step lessens, but does not
completely solve, the problem.

Funny, I really *like* standing in the dark shuffling sheet film. I only
switched to the Jobo for 8x10's because I already had the machine for
other purposes and wanted to get maximum even-ness of development. My
current only hassel with the large sheets in trays is that Ilford film
gets too soft in my water and scratches easily. I've got a still
cranking away making distilled water for me to switch to, and it's
disconcerting how much, er, stuff, is in the bottom of the beaker after
each gallon of filtered water is distilled. I guess that's what makes
the well water around here taste so good...


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