Re: about exotic ferric oxalte and ziatype

Nze christian (
Mon, 22 Mar 1999 11:17:23 -0500

Texte du message écrit par
>Just a little hint. After you've added all the ingredients to make the
exotic FO, if the solution is not a clear clean color, and is dirty or
muddy in appearance, keep adding some oxalic acid until it clears up to a
bright color. The smallest excess of the carbonate can cause muddiness. I
think carbonates can have some excess moisture or be a drier than the last
batch and cause your weighing to be off a little. It's like cake flour, you

have to adjust for the moisture.Dick<

Still another hint I picked up from Dana Sullivan for mixing the exotic
ferric oxalates: a tiny amount, literally a pinch, of EDTA helps the
ingredients go into solution much more easily.---Carl

hello dick and carl
I already done that . but thanks for the tips. As I 've got your book and
read in and betwenn the line this two ideas were my to first solution when
 saw a muudy appearence.

nze christian (france)

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