Richard Sullivan (
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 13:42:06 -0600
Sure, you'd get the sulfur compounds as a result. I hadn't thought about
that in the Ziatype. I never tried it with the Ziatype but I did with
ammonium ferric oxalate and gold chrysotype and was positive that it halted
the purple staining though you seem to not be getting problems with that.
I think what I was working with and what you are doing is the same --
basically a gold Ziatype with now palladium, just ammonium ferric oxalate
and gold chloride. My experiments led me to think that all of the
thiodiproprionic acid ligand stuff that Ware proposes could be dispensed with.
I found that sodium mercuric chloride seems to drop the contrast.
Also that increasing the Ph with KOH brings in the red colors and going
acid brings up the blues. This from casual observations and not formal
testing so I could be wrong again.
At 02:31 PM 4/20/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Texte du message écrit par
>>If you are using gold in a lithium Ziatype, try going into the bath
>of thiosulfate first. I think the intensification occurring in a Gold/Zia
>print is due to action of the gold in relation to the palladium which cause
>the sever contrast boost. You may be able to really load up a Ziatype with
>gold and not get the severe contrast and intensification that normally
>happens since the thiosulfate will halt any further action by the gold.
>If you try it I am sure you will let us know whether it works or not.<
>hello all
>first I would talk about the chrysotype image I made .the only problem I
>have is that on some print the Dmax is not I enough (black not black enough
>to my taste. but I have some picture with really nice black.
>in fact I observe that blue picture got an higher dmax than pink or
>buurgundy one.
>second As you want to know, dick, if you 're idea work I've just tested it
>and can say that it don't work as you think.
>I made a zia gold print (4drops gold + 1 drop LiPd +5 drop FAOx+1 drop
>tween20) RH60%
> I print a low contrast neg which give me a very nice picture(not to
>contrasty) .
>put it in a 2% thiosulfate bath and what's happen.
>sure the gold stay in the paper
>but the coating but nonprint part of the paper become yellow brown as a
>stain oreverything else.
>as I look at this and make some test to clear it I can say that it isn't a
>gold precipitate .
>as It bleach when I put bleach water on it.
>nze christian (france)
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857
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