Re: European Sources and Services

Peter Marshall (
Wed, 19 May 1999 23:37 +0100 (BST)

> Would anyone know of a list of European Sources and Services for the
> alternative processes of the type Judy publishes in Post Factory. I am
> doing some editing work for a series on the alternative processes for
> publication in Spanish in Spain and desperately need information on
> sources
> in the CE.
> Along with any possible general lists I would appreciate any European
> sources of specific mateials that anyone may know of.
> Sandy King

I assume you have emailed Terry King who is one of the obvious people to
ask in the UK - and it would be worth posting on the 'Art and Craft of
Photography' list also if you haven't done so.

The Alternative Photography Review has published some information of
course since it started around 4 years back, so it would be worth
contacting Keith Dugdale.

Peter Marshall
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