Re: Ilford

Jonathan C Hall (
Wed, 19 May 1999 22:39:20 -0400

For the FP4 HC-110 comes to mind. Tray development. I have had excellent result
thanks to that combination for making negatives suitable for printing on plat. &
                      Jonathan. wrote:

> I have recently purchased a 12 x 20 camera. Previously, I was shooting 4x5
> or 8x10 and using Kodak's T-max films in conjucntion with the old D-23
> developer. I found this combination worked well for my process of choice,
> Pt/Pd. Kodak does not make any 12 x 20 film, as I am sure you are all aware.
> I have found three options. Ilford FP4 and HP5, along with the new Lotus
> 200 film. I have no experience with any of these films and would like to
> hear any suggestions on film developer combinations.

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