Re: easy answer

Judy Seigel (
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 14:02:42 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Rita Dibert wrote:

> The camera question is often the only one peopable with, to start. When
> exhibitioning I always anwer all the techy questions in bold print: ie.
> Busch Pressman, Kodak lens, Polaroid 55NP enlarged to 16x20, selinium toned
> geletin silver print, hand tinted. Then we can start to talk about intent,
> content, message, situationally metaphors...whatever.WE have no way of
> telling what level a person, or a student for that matter, is at until we
> begin the conversation.It would be akin to asking id to start sopmewhere.
> Rita
> Rita Dibert
> Principal Tutor and Head of Dept., Photography

Rita, is that you? I remember a delightful "Rita Dibert" -- was it a
hand-colored print? back in the 70s when hand coloring was *really*
shocking, *radical.* You can see what an impression it made on me, even
though I can't remember what book I saw it in.

What are you "exhibitioning" now?

And New Zealand? Wow! good for them.



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