new cyanotype

From: Vrueh, G.J. de (
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 15:17:36 /etc/localtime

Hello out there,

To put some wood to the fire!!!
I myself have tried both versions of the cyanotype. Personaly i think the
New cyanotype is better. I used arches (not platine) wich i sized in normal
gelatin before caoting. Nice detail, i did not even bother to harden the
gelatine after sizing. And perfect print! And why chould it be nessicary
always to harden the gelatine? TMHO it is mostly nessisary to prefent the
paper from acting like a blotting paper absorbing to much caoting. And since
i do not rince the paper after exposure in water that is so hot that the
gelatine can melt, hardening is not nessisary. Mabe the hardening causes the
new cyanotyoe to act strange like this, or it may be the tab water. In the
neterland we have very fine water quality, neutral Ph, low in Iron, very

I compared the traditional cyanotype with the new, together with my ex
theatcher from photografie school and found that one coat of New cyanotype
gave more density than two of the traditional cyanotype.

Soon i will try Rives BFK with New cyanotype sized with gelatine not
hardened. I'll keep you posted!

Greetings from the netherlands
Gerard de Vrueh

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