On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Jonathan Hall wrote:
> This formula is courtesy of Richard Farber's book Historic Photographic
> Processes ....[cut]
That formula sounds OK, tho not the only or the best necessarily -- The
book itself avoids the worst booby traps of alt photo, in no small part, I
daresay, because Farber was on this list and used its resources well. ...
as can be seen in his credits, for instance to Mike Ware, Sandy King,
et al, who put the information in these "pages" first.
However, whether you want the book or not is another question, depends on
how you feel about Farber's artsy-fartsy soft-porn on the cover of your
process texts, not to mention his even artsy-pornier inside.
| Judy Seigel, Editor >
| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
| info@post-factory.org >
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