Re: Carbro, again

Sandy King (
Wed, 03 Nov 1999 10:53:00 -0500


In answer to your questions, 1) no, I don't have any work available for
viewing on the web, and 2) I am not aware of any detailed information
sources for carbon, carbro and tri-color carbro available on the web. There
is, however, quite a bit of information available in the list archives
about carbon, especially monochrome work. You might have a look at Mike
Ware's site to see if he has any information on carbon or links to carbon
sites. You could also look at the Ultrstable site for some information on
contemporary carbon printing process. The only detailed information I have
seen anywhere (with the exception of books from the 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s)
on tri-color carbon and carbro is in Nadeau's book on the history of carbon
processes, published in the early 1980s.

I hope sometime in the near future to have the time to set up a web site
devoted to carbon and carbro but right now just don't have the time. Thanks
for your interest.

Sandy King

Within the next year I >Sandy,
>Do you have any of your work available for viewing on the web?
>Also are there any definitive detailed information sources for carbon, carbo
>and tri-colored carbo available on the web?
>Don Bryant

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