Steve Shapiro (
Thu, 04 Nov 1999 22:56:14 -0800
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: Densitomiters
> > > negatives *inside* the sleeves. Everytime I need to read my negative,
> > took
> > > it out....
> Why read a negative more than once? Why not make a note of significant
> areas, d-max, d-min, important "story" areas, & so forth, write on a piece
> of paper and tape to the sleeve?
> But PS: Scratches add character.
> Judy
Now, you're getting complicated. You teach getting an additional piece of
paper, tape (which only recently became availale in an acid neutral
material; which I have't yet found on any shelves/stores locally) Your
method has me acting like Calilila moving my arms in eight directions at
I merely said - in the tradition of making simple photography complicated -
my densitometer doens not gather dust, because I use it as a routine to
produce good proofs at 1:1 paper tries to paper with image saved.
SS :)))))) sssss~
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