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Re:Homemade paper and Luminos
Hi Everyone!
I desperatly want to print on homemade paper. I will give you guys the
senerio and then if anyone has any suggestions I would love life!
Okay, nothing seems to work, i don't know if it is the type of paper that
I am making or what but i am using straw, lye, and water, boiling the
ingredients down then putting the straw through a big processor about
4x's. then I have a big bin that I fill with water. I then take the straw
that has been through the processor and blend it down further in a
blender. Mixing a lot of water with the blended straw I use a mold a
deckel to make the sheets . The paper is pretty smooth however, there is
texture. I tried to experiments: 1.) First coating the paper with
polyurathane and then coating with luminos. 2.) Then I tried coating the
paper with white spary paint and then coating with the luminos. Nothing
has worked. I either get a black image or a barley there image- You can't
even tell what the imaage is. And i have played around with my times and
nothing seems to work.
I still have to try sizing the paper with Knox gelatin and then coating
with luminos.
I was having great luck with Rockland's liquid light and now I am having
all this trouble with the luminos. Do you think it makes a difference
which product i use- Liquid light or Luminos? Each process takes so long
between making the paper and the sizing and then coating. I haven't tried
Rockland's on homemade paper but it works great on all of the papers that
I have tried i.e. Crane 90, Rives BKF, watercolor paper etc. If anyone
thinks that I should be doing something different, let me know!
I am going to try some paper made from gray egg crates and other tpes of
paper mixed with the egg crates- maybe this will wor better
Garimo- How did you get such a nice print that you showed me on the
Thanks for all of your help!!!! Erin :-)
P.S. I hope my message wasn't too long or hard to understand.