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Re: Pyro and rotary agitation question
I'm afraid I don't know what a "standard metal tank" for rotary
processing of 4x5 film is. Different agitation seems to make a big
difference with the ABC+ (rollo) formula so whatever this equipment is
could easily want different times from the Jobo system. And 20% or 25%
variance from one worker to another is perfectly normal anyhow.
If negs print ok on _graded_ number two, they are probably too soft for
ideal printing in Pt/Pd. A really good crossover negative prints in
Pt/Pd, or on _variable contrast_ silver paper with little or no
filtration, but this negative tends to be quite a bit too contrasty for
standard graded number two. The pyro stain prints softer on VC than on
straight graded.
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