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RE: Gum vs. Kallitype

>I've tried gum over cyanotype, with no success.  Seems >that cyanotype doesn't like gelatin (this, according >to list members more learned than I) causing fogging.  >Are you using gelatin to size?

I don't know whether I just haven't noticed the fogging or what, but I often print gum over cyanotype.  I will print the cyanotype first on unsized, preshrunk Rives BFK and then i coat it with two layers of gelatin followed by a soak in formaldahyde to hard it.  Then I print gum over top. 

>On a similar note, I recently tried kallitype over >cyanotype, and got some pretty interesting results.  >The cyanotype was a normal, rich blue, but when
>I put the kallitype solution on, it bleached down >significantly.  

A few years ago when I was just starting out in Non-silver processes I put kallitype, or more presisely for my process van dyke brown, over cyanotype and got some 
very interesting results as well.  It seems that where the cyanotype was strongly exposed, if not overexposed, the cyanotye would remain.  But where the cyanotype was weak or a delicate exposure the vandyke brown would develop, often fighting with the cyanotype at the edges to create an explosive effect.  
I experimented with this process for a couple months and found that if I overexposed my cyanotype it often fared better under the attack of the van dyke brown.  Also I started to use a brush to selectively paint van dyke into areas that were weak in cyanotype.  

>Problem is, no matter how much more exposure the >cyanotype gets, it still bleaches to the same degree.

I did find the cyanotype to be bleached somewhat by the van dyke, but it never really bothered me that much.  Also I should metion that the negatives I was working with were pinhole negatives on commercial film that were often slightly overexposed.  This seemed to help the process because when i used negatives that were properly exposed the cyanotype would often be too weak to withstand the van dyke.

Unfortunately I do not have any images up on the web to point to, but maybe sometime soon, as I am working on getting a nice computer set up.  And might I say that all the printer, scanner, and computer talk has been much appreciated on my end.

Thanks for listening,
Jahje Bath