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Re: Morse Contact printer

I'm searching for something similar, much bigger though,
have found a few warehouses around the country who really
want to unload these things, shipping is a bear. The argon
bulbs are UV intensive, so be careful. Right now I have a
little Kodak 8x10 that sounds like your Morse, big enough to
learn on.


Les Newcomer wrote:
> I have a 10x10 Morse contact printer. Inside are 40 argon bulbs that can be turn
> off individually or in rings from outside down to center for dodging and burnin.
> The timer  only goes up to 10 seconds.  I believe it was built in the 50s for
> contact printing aero film.  It does a nice job on graded paper, since the argon
> burns deep blue/violet poly contrast papers print very contrasty.
> It just occured to me this might have a use in alt photo where UV or near UV is
> needed.  Has anybody heared of these contact printers and/or used them for alt
> processing?
> Les

Pamela G. Niedermayer
Pinehill Softworks Inc.
1221 S. Congress Ave., #1225
Austin, TX 78704
512-416-1440 fax