Date: 11/05/00-04:15:49 PM Z
One area for concern when working out any procedure is to eliminate all
possible variables. Lots of manufacturers out there making inks and all
are most likely a little different.
You might also find a situation where 10 different vendors are offering
exactly the same ink, but under their individual brand names. Put the
Marketing Wonks into the mix, and you will have 10 different
specifications and features and qualities for exactly the same products.
I would also guess that Brand X ink might change periodically due to
costs. If Company X is selling ink jet refills and inks under a trade
name and they are not the actual manufacturers of the material, it might
be a different product next month as materials costs change. Epson, to
use an example, may or may not be the manufacture of the material they
sell. This could cause problems if their source makes a small change to
the ink and we do not know about it. Does anyone know if they manufacture
their products or not?
This is why there is such a problem. You spend time to work out a process
and suddenly, it does not work because something has changed. The
solution? Formulate your own so the process is stable. There are lots of
dyestuff manufacturers that supply raw materials that are set and do not
change from month to month or year to year.
Personally, I think if one is going to use materials experimentally, they
better be sure of consistency. It would be useful to find some formulas
for inks and dyes that can be applied by a printer. WARNING: Not all Dyes
are equal. Some are benign and some are very poisonous.
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