From: Jeffrey D. Mathias (
Date: 11/07/00-05:36:39 AM Z wrote:
> ... I find that it takes a really ong time to
> clear and sometimes even after it dries, iI have to re-wet it and clear it
> some more. ...
Check your clearing agent as well. Platine clears fairly well when
Sodium Bisulfate is used. For a procedure to test and establish a
clearing regimen, check out the Clearing Study section of Chapter 14 in
my guide (from link below). Do not be afraid to clear using multiple
baths of different agents, although be sure of what may happen when
different agents are mixed (for example, some combinations may release
sulpher dioxide fumes). In such cases the print can be washed between
agents. In any event, try to do all the clearing prior to drying the
print as this almost always makes further clearing very difficult.
Oh, and this procedure does follow the change one thing at a time
method. I made a matrix of clearing agents and clearing times. I only
reported testing one paper with one coating and processing scenario.
But that is OK because those are what I use to make prints. The
clearing study procedure remains valid for any other paper or other
situations. I have since run the procedure on two other substrates,
ones that I use frequently for printing.
-- Jeffrey D. Mathias
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