From: Ken Sinclair (
Date: 11/13/00-07:12:37 PM Z
If I remember my plant protection classes well enough, Lindane is a
persistant pesticide that is in the process of being "outlawed" in various
parts of the world. While it is still registered for use (in different
regions of the North American continent ) for various crops, it has been
de-registered with a decline in use in many parts of Europe.
I believe its most common use is for treating head lice. It is also
reported to be readily absorbed through the skin and has been linked to
various ailments.
Personally, I would prefer to not have such a chemical around the house.
>On my recent trip to Ireland, I saw the head of Saint Oliver Plunket at a
>church in Drogheda. It was creosoted in the 19th. century, as an emergency
>measure to deal with an infestation of insects, but the guide book says it
>is now protected with something called lindane. Anyone ever hear of it?
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