From: Christina Z. Anderson (
Date: 04/30/02-10:25:14 AM Z
Don't feel bad if people don't respond to your questions. I just
figure people don't know the answer, or their week is too busy, not that
they weren't interested in me or my question.
A chiatype is a joke--remember the chia pets that of years ago you
could put this clay animal in water and it would soak up the water and the
chia seed imbedded in the clay pet would grow so it would look like it was
growing a coat of green fur? Well, apparently some photographer is exposing
grass to light and negative and the grass is growing an image, meaning it is
greener/longer I suppose where the light hits it and yellower/shorter where
the light doesn't. So with all these "types" in alt process someone joked
that it was a "chiatype".
Also, with the POP with regular photo paper, there was a lot posted on
that. Have you been receiving your posts? I wonder if it is a problem with
your or your mom's server. Check the archives on that, because I know I
posted about it and so did Liam Lawless. A browseable index on a web site
/lists/alt-photo-process it is cool because you can
type in your name or the subject or whatever--like I did this week with
black walnuts and with percents and volume.
As far as the label for photography that is not seeking a perfect image
but one on a more esoteric level, it really isn't typical "alt process"
which tends to be platinum/gum/callotype stuff--but it is what i do almost
exclusively at the moment and I term it "experimental photography", alias
any way I can mess with a print or negative. I post lots of that kind of
info here all the time, as I have written a 200p workbook on it and teach
it. (this is why I am online a lot, too--I have been at my computer writing
constantly and check email for diversion).
There are times when I feel that maybe the alt list is not interested
in a post I do on, for example, Polaroid transfers, but heck, they have the
delete key and they are big boys/girls. I have posted on lith printing, liq
uid emulsion, POP, polaroid, paper negs, solvent transfers, .dr5, sabattier,
mordancage, hand coloring, encaustic, metalchrome, on and on and on. No one
has yet told me that I am off topic, so I continue. Another list I derive
much support from is the pure silver list. Even tho pure silver does
attract purists in the black and white field, they don't mind (I hope) my
postings on messing with a perfect black and white print also.
Keep your chin up, keep posting. Lists ebb and flow, sometimes they're
hot, sometimes not, but long term relationships of ebb and flow are much
better than giving up.
Chris (who's just come back from court with her 17 yr old daughter who got
an MIP and I am NOT HAPPY)(MIP is minor in possession of alcohol for those
of you outside the US. They get a $200 fine, 8 hr community service, have
to enroll in drug/alcohol classes, and lose their license for a minimum of
60 days--even tho it has nothing to do with driving)(arrrgggggggghhhhhhh!)
Dear everyone,
This will be my last posting. I have had virtually zero response to any
of my postings for 12 months or so. This is not any criticism, just an
observation. I know my comments tend to be on a different wavelength to
other folk. That's just the nature of my brain. i will follow the
discussion on the live mirror. I may well rejoin in future if I feel more
able to contribute.
If anyone interested in the more impractical esoteric aspects of
photography/photoplay (phototherapy?) such as that recently discussed under
the heading of environmental questions, as well as in camera photography
using print out processes, you are very, very welcome to talk to me at Using conventional photo papers as p.o.p. is also of
particular interest. I have some degree of emotional and social difficulty,
so if you are rude and confrontational, or can not cope with somewhat
idiosyncratic thinking and expression, please do not respond. I hope to
set up (or contribute to) some sort of esoteric photography website in the
not so near future. I enjoy process as much as end results, and am still in
the learning/research phase rather than the productive end of things.
Here are some last questions, if anyone can help. What is a chiatype? Is
there any website that shows images produced with coffee developer, or
using grass, as recently discussed? Is there a website out there discussing
home made medium/large format cameras made with "bad" lenses (magnifying
glasses or slide projector lenses) ? Also, is there a recognised term for
esoteric printing methods. I am talking about the sort of processes that one
tends to dabble with for more personal or obscure reasons than simply
finding the most effective efficient way of producing a high quality image?
If there was a term that was nonpretentious and coherant that would be
great. For me it has a lot to do with how any word (photgraphy for
instance) comes loaded with a collection of assumptions that only tell part
of the complete story. I also find it somewhat magical to produce an image
primitively, even if the results are not technically brilliant. Sorry if
thats a lot to ask at once. Thank you in advance for any reply to this
If anyone on the list who has ever answered one of my questions felt my
response was negative, I am sorry, it wasnt intended. BTW i used to use my
mums adress leading some people to think I was Jean Burdett.
All the best to everyone Stephen Burdett a.k.a. Birdee. Love and Peace
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