Re: Cyan and Digital Negs

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From: Don Bryant (
Date: 12/30/02-08:05:39 PM Z


> Thanks for the input. My computer wiz said Win98SE recognizes up to 512
> but nothing beyond that.
Hmmm, I dubious but I been wrong many times before. If I get a chance I
research that number but a t anyrate XP Pro will gobble up all the memory
you can give it, at least within the limits of today's mother boards.

> My board will take up to 1.5 gigs

That is a pretty nice chunk of memory, load up XP Pro and memory and take

> The printer setup still needs looking into but I see where you are going.
> haven't looked into it seriously lately and there have been a lot of
> changes. Will the 2200 do 13x19 prints like the 1280?

> I don't know what the
> 2200's dpi is but with the 1280 I was hard-pressed to see a difference
> between printing at 1440 and 2880.

The 2200 will output at 2880 but I beleive the droplet size is maxed out at
that ppi, however the dropplets are still very tiny and with seven colors
the ouptut is very smooth. On the other hand there have been some reports
with problems with the Ultrachrome inks on certain paper surfaces. The
maximum print size is a full bleed 13x19 and a new 2200 is less expensive
than a new 2000.

>What was that about MIS inks?

Visit for more information about their products.

> I haven't
> really been paying attention to who makes what though I did visit a
> (can't remember the name right now) that offered quad-tone ink kits that
> start for around $500.

That sounds like (Piezography by Jon Cone). Nice products,
especially the new Piezo inksets but you may need to use the Image Print 5
RIP with the 2200 which is quite expensive, $500 or so but supposedly it is
a very nice product. The Piezo prints can be very beautiful, I prefer the
Selenium toned inks. After sitting on the fence for a long time I'll be
purchasing the Piezography driver for my 1160 in a few days but I'll use the
MIS FS N inks to begin with until I verify that my printer functions well
with their driver. Currently I use the MIS VM inkset for quadtone printing
using the Epson driver. Originally I didn't start using inkjet printers to
make prints but was more interested in making digital negatives but as a
result I found myself being forced to learn the nuainces of Photo Shop and
inkjet printing before achieving results I liked. So be patient.
Unfortunately there aren't always clear cut answers. Rather than be a
pioneer I prefer to let others blaze the trail, I just follow the dead
bodies. :)

Mike Kravit can probably tell you much more than I as he has really been
through the digital inkjet wars and has probably forgotten more than I know.
Perhaps he will chime in.

Good luck,

Don Bryant

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