RE: Torinoko Gampi and Washing Question Pt/Pd.

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From: Monnoyer Philippe (
Date: 07/01/02-08:55:16 AM Z

>From your comments, it seems clear that you'd better switch to another
paper choice ...


|Halvor and All: I got some "Gampi" from Kinsella and I've had
|a very hard
|time with it. Just can't get a clean print. VERY hard to coat. It's
|brownish -- paper bag color, really -- and dries to a lovely
|old parchment
|look. But I can't get even coating. Image comes out mottled,
|uneven, etc.
|I used about as much pt/pd on it as I could bear, then put it
|aside. Would
|love a suggestion or two. -jb
|Halvor <> said:
|> Dear list....
|> Where to start..
|> I am mainly printing on Torinoko Gampi, have however
|discovered that there
|> is about 4 different papers with that name. Possibly by
|several different
|> makers. The name Torinoko (which from the sound only - means
|"bird child",
|> the spelling might give different result) is supposed to be
|the methode of
|> making the paper, and Gampi the material, ie a plant.
|> Now, Dick Arentz's book mention a 90 gsm TG paper, with
|"long swirling
|> fibers", here in Japan - Washi or "Japanese Paper" is not
|sold with weight
|> info, I have found one paper which matches that description,
|brownish, long
|> fibers (white) kind of hard sizing (easy to coat) addition
|of tween helps
|> density...... anyway
|> The TG Paper I mainly am using can be caracterised as,
|bleached white,
|> probably about 200 gsm, front side smooth with fine very
|small "hairs",
|> backside have a regular pattern of lines vertical and
|horisontal (sort of
|> squarish), no visible fibers, weak sizing, The addition of 1
|drop of 1 %
|> tween solution for a 4*5 size gives a 0.1 increase in dmax, anything
|> stronger is too strong. Max edge Density over base about 1.6
|+/- (with Pd),
|> The main point is the print looks like it is done in ink.
|Very beautifull
|> quality of the edges. The surface fibres gives sort of a
|velvet impression,
|> now this same surface absorption qualities is due to rather
|veak glue - and
|> big fun in the washing. Particularily when trying to lift
|anything bigger
|> than an 8 * 10 size when wet. (Yes - change water, don't
|move the print,
|> that is at the moment not possible) After about 30 min in
|wet condition the
|> paper is soaked and starts swelling, close to dissolving,
|and occasionally
|> with small nice air bubbles inside the paper, I still have
|an aprx. 50 %
|> succsess rate on the prints and the result is "worth it". (I stupidly
|> belive).
|> Extra sizing ruins the aesthetics of the surface (should try
|a layer on the
|> backside maybe , but the backside is not the main problem.)
|> If I can keep the "wet" time under 30 min I avoid most of
|these problems !
|> It clears fine in EDTA in about 10 min.
|> My 5 recipies on Pt/Pd printing agrees on one point - 30 min
|washing time.
|> I assume this is for a "normally" glued / starched paper and
|(hope :) that
|> this might be different for this paper, the defraction rate
|(?) should be
|> better for a weak sized paper ?
|> Comments ? (I mean please help)
|> Or is this just wishfull thinking :)
|> Sorry if this got a bit long & messy, thick head after a day
|in the dark.
|> Halvor
|> Tokyo

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