From: Katharine Thayer (
Date: 03/06/02-01:37:36 PM Z wrote:
> Shucks Katharine,
> CompUSA has a $15 USB PCI Card that works with Macs. Why not give it a
> try since it's a cheap investment?
Well shucks, Dan, because I want something EASY, I want plug and play or
nothing at all. ;-) Actually I didn't say I wasn't considering adding
a USB card, it's just that I'd rather not because I've heard that it can
be problematic and I don't have the time or energy to deal with
problematic just now. For the duration of this particular crunch, I'll
just keep on with what I've got and do the best I can with it, and then
after that I'll think about the USB card. Thanks,
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