From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 03/06/02-11:02:28 PM Z
On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Katharine Thayer wrote:
> Judy Seigel wrote:
> >
> > When I was at that place I called Tekserv, which warned me against it
> > because if I needed tech support on printer, Epson would say it was the
> > USB card whether it was or not. However Epson makes the high priced
> > solution themselves -- Axis 1440, which works through Ethernet hub which I
> > had already. And it did work fine no problem (once installed) until last
> > month when serial killer struck both printers serially...
> Thanks for the warning on the USB card. The ethernet solution doesn't
> work for me, unfortunately, because my laser printer is tethered to the
> ethernet port. But what is this Axis 1440, I don't remember seeing it on
> the epson site? Not one of the axes of evil, I take it.
> kt
The money to put it together at this point might be more than it's worth,
but i have an ethernet hub with *3* ports, cost about $60 maybe 5 years
ago. Then the Axis 1440 "Network Print Server for Epson printers" cost
about $140 a year or so ago. And I will not pretend that I installed it
myself. Still, until current attack it was dandy. Worked like a charm.
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