From: Gregory W. Blank (
Date: 03/06/02-10:54:52 PM Z
The people at Epson were very patient with me when I was trying to iron
out my problems/ we tried resolving it through the software, in fact they
did suggest that the usb card was the problem.
It wasn't it was the processor speed of my machine. I spent two plus hours
on the the phone from the East Coast at my expense. The end result they told
me to try my brand new $500 printer with another computer. After trying to
get someone/ anyone,... to look at the printer with a Mac computer for three
weeks I gave up and bought a new computer. I am happy for now although a
little poorer. :-)
on 3/6/02 11:15 PM, Judy Seigel at wrote:
> When I was at that place I called Tekserv, which warned me against it
> because if I needed tech support on printer, Epson would say it was the
> USB card whether it was or not. However Epson makes the high priced
> solution themselves -- Axis 1440, which works through Ethernet hub which I
> had already. And it did work fine no problem (once installed) until last
> month when serial killer struck both printers serially...
> Judy
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