From: Christina Z. Anderson (
Date: 03/07/02-09:25:01 PM Z
This is funny, Kerik! (get to know your delete key personally).
And what is even funnier, is I remember years ago asking an Epson
question on this list and Katherine Thayer (hi, Katherine!) was the one who
told me to ask such questions to the Epson list and not here. And now
Katherine is talking about computer stuff here. Point is, when we need help
we need help. And it isn't going to kill us to be a bit OT once in a while.
Heck, I'm trying to perfect (this year) a digi-neg to use in gum printing so
it is very important to me that we continue to keep tabs on the digital info
because it is absolutely relevant to alt process. After spending all day in
the darkroom trying to get APH and Clayton Extended Plus developer to
produce nice dense 11x14 negs, the digital alternative looks even more
delectable. (I think I'm going to just forget the Clayton and do the Dave
Soemarko method).
We could always start another "Trite Farber Nude" discussion :).
>And of course the irony of these "let's not discuss this topic" posts is
that they generate even more "off topic" posts.
>If you see a topic you're not interested in, just delete it! You will
find that asking the group to stop a discussion simply because YOU think
it's off topic will never work.
>Is there something "on-topic" by your standards that you're dying to
discuss? If so, put it out there! Otherwise, get to know your "delete"
key personally.
>Kerik Kouklis
Yes, there is: no one ever answered my question of why doesn't warmtone
paper sabattier well???? OR, is this even true???? What would be the
scientific reason it doesn't work, or is this a fallacy? Judy, I know you
do sabattier--do you know, or anyone else??
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