Date: 03/08/02-10:02:58 AM Z
There are all sorts of ways to select portions of an image ... you can use
the lasso tool and then feather the selection, you can select by color or
tonal range... whatever works for the effect you are trying to get....
By adusting the curve function in some variation of a sine wave pattern.. you
can put the peaks and valleys just where you want them.... and the more peaks
and valleys you have the more extreme the effect... you can also do this in a
layer and blend it in a variety of ways to make it more subtle...
Mark Nelson
In a message dated 3/8/02 12:50:46 AM, jseigel@panix.com writes:
<< I've tried that some, but so far haven't liked the general effect in the
print, tho it looks good on the monitor. I think though maybe doing *part*
of the image would be better. How do you select the part? >>
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