Re: Inkjet transparencies for Pt/Pd and Cyanotype

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Date: 03/08/02-12:19:20 PM Z

Katherine said in her message...

>I'm interested in Dan's comment that it's the transparency material not
>the printer that's the limiting factor.

No, I said the spectral sensitivity method was developed because the
materials at the time (Epson's own Transparency Film) couldn't hold
enough ink when you printed with all six nozzles firing. Indeed, the
printer makes a BIG difference, hence the headaches with the 1280 and its
tendency to pump ink like crazy.

>which is counter to what the guy at Pictorico told
>me, that if I would just get one of the epsons with the smaller droplet
>size, I'd be home free.

If you'd asked me six months ago, I'd have predicted (and suggested) the
same thing. Just goes to show how many variables there are in this crazy
field. Perhaps someday we'll lay down $450 for an "Epson Negative Maker"
with a print dialog box that includes settings for Typical Silver
Negative, Typical Platinum Negative, etc. Until then, we have to cheat
with the materials and hardware and discover what works best.

Can't claim it's not exciting!


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