From: David Oliver (
Date: 03/08/02-03:44:41 AM Z
Dare I ask another computer-related question? Well, about making desktop
negatives, and Judy has suggested that negatives are the real problem today.
Having just set myself up with UV box, printing frame, cyanotype kit, Pt/Pd
kit, etc, I am about to run some step wedge tests for my setup and paper. I
will be printing inkjet negatives onto Pictorico film using an Epson 1290,
and following Dan B's excellent book. I have some digital step wedges I
will apply the relevant curves to and then expose for different times to
determine the best exposure time.
Dan has two methods of creating a spectral density negative - the "colorize"
method and the "color table" method. Any recommendations on which method
might be better? Can the color table method really produce a negative with
enough density?
I would also like to check on the best CYMK color to use for both Pt/Pd and
Cyanotype. Dan suggests 0/71/71/0 in his book, but the CD that comes with
the book mentions 0/51/51/0 also. Has anyone refined this any further?
Would I need to check different colors for Pt/Pd and Cyanotype, or would
they react similarly?
-----Original Message-----
From: jamesromeo []
Sent: Friday, 8 March 2002 10:28 a.m.
Subject: Re: Pictorico (& Epson & Mac)
on 3/7/02 11:26 AM, Christine at wrote:
How right you are. Must of the post on computer in this list has some
relation to alternative work as digital neg. Yes there are maney groups on
computer but very few are photographers.
Subject is the key hit he key by by. this is a great group
> I beg to differ.
> With all due respect, isn't using an Epson printer an "alternative" form
> photography, based on the interpretation of "alternative photography" as
> meaning the making prints with processes other than non-traditional silver
> printing?
> I usually skip over the post on making or obtaining casein, perhaps you
> skip over the posts referring to Epsons? I see no difference between this
> discussion and one on who makes the best gum pigments and has the best
> customer
> service, or how to make gold toner on your stovetop. <grin/duck>
> Back to lurkmode.
> Best Regards,
> Christine
> Alejandro Lopez de Haro wrote:
>> Hi:
>> It seems that I am subscribe to the wrong forum. I thought this was an
>> Alternative Photo Process forum and not a computer forum.
>> People, please lets get back to photography. Photography is not about
>> printers, Ethernet hubs, USB PCMCIA cards, RAMS, MAC, Windows, etc.
>> Photography is about craft and for the lucky few who has the touch, about
>> making ART.
>> Regards,
>> Alejandro López de Haro
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Gregory W. Blank" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 5:54 AM
>> Subject: Re: Pictorico (& Epson & Mac)
>>> The people at Epson were very patient with me when I was trying to iron
>>> out my problems/ we tried resolving it through the software, in fact
>>> did suggest that the usb card was the problem.
>>> It wasn't it was the processor speed of my machine. I spent two plus
>>> on the the phone from the East Coast at my expense. The end result they
>> told
>>> me to try my brand new $500 printer with another computer. After trying
>>> get someone/ anyone,... to look at the printer with a Mac computer for
>> three
>>> weeks I gave up and bought a new computer. I am happy for now although a
>>> little poorer. :-)
>>> on 3/6/02 11:15 PM, Judy Seigel at wrote:
>>>> When I was at that place I called Tekserv, which warned me against it
>>>> because if I needed tech support on printer, Epson would say it was the
>>>> USB card whether it was or not. However Epson makes the high priced
>>>> solution themselves -- Axis 1440, which works through Ethernet hub
>> I
>>>> had already. And it did work fine no problem (once installed) until
>> last
>>>> month when serial killer struck both printers serially...
>>>> Judy
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
> It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this
> emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and
> stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed."
> -Albert Einstein
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