APIS 2002: papers and speakers

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From: Richard Sullivan (richsul@earthlink.net)
Date: 03/08/02-01:39:36 PM Z

APIS 2002 will be held on the weekend of July 13 and 14 of 2002. This is
part of an ongoing effort to have an APIS in Euprpe and one in the US on
alternate years. The Bath APIS in 1997 and the US ones in Santa Fe in 1999
and 2001 were great successes. Now that the RPS and the NMPFT are
integrated it should prove to be a bang up affair.

For flavor of the events of 1997 and 1999 see:


The event is being coordinated in Europe by Terry King at TERRYAKING@cs.com

I am The US helping hand, Dick Sullivan of Bostick & Sullivan and
coordinator of the US APIS events. richard@bostick-sullivan.com

 From the European coordinator:

A call for papers:

We are currently planning the programme.

We already have a number of speakers on various aspects of current and
historical practice in the field including method, the pictures and the
photographers themselves.

In planning the programme we have to bear in mind that APIS is aimed at
those with an intelligent interest in making pictures who will want to show
and discuss their work. It is also significant that the conference will be
held at the National Museum of Photography Film and Television which is
part of the National Museum of Science and Technology. Both of these
institutions have an enviable record of being able to achieve their serious
educational purpose through good communication where appropriate with a
light touch.

Acccounts of proceedings and the text of any papers will be published in a
special edition of the PhotoHistorian.

Could those who would be interested in speaking at APIS please let me
know. Arrangements are already in hand for ensuring that people are able
to demonstrate their portfolios.

Terry King

www.hands-on-pictures.com for pictures and process
http://sirius.secureforum.com:8080/~bostick for moderated photo history and
alt lists

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