The future of the handmade print?

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Date: 03/08/02-01:07:30 PM Z

Seems like a good time to ask: what position will the handmade print hold
as photographic output is expressed increasingly as digital prints?

Will those of us who wet-print become more like painters who make one (or
several) "originals" and then rely on machine produced prints to sell at
a competitive price?

Though I'll be the first to admit--and in all modesty I do feel I know of
what I speak--that it takes a entirely different and demanding set of
skills to produce excellent digital output (digitally applied archival
pigment prints on fine cotton paper), it is simply MORE difficult and
time consuming to make a wonderful platinum or other hand-coated print.

Some dealers think there will be separate markets for handmade prints vs.
digitally output prints. I have no idea how that concept shakes down in
terms of respect, demand or dollars.

What do those on the list think?


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