From: David Oliver (
Date: 03/08/02-04:56:27 PM Z
Thanks for the very helpful discussion.
> This takes us back to the Spectral Density approach. There may be other
> ways to make the 1280/1290 produce great platinum or cyanotype negs (and
> I hope someone suggests one) but the colorization method seems like a
> good bet for now.
Sounds like the Colorize method will be the best starting point for platinum
and cyanotype, probably with CYMK 0/55/55/0. I now have the new Platinum
curve from Dan's site, so will start with that. I'll also try reducing the
amount of ink deposited, as suggested on the site.
Any thoughts on a good curve to start with for cyanotypes? I have the
Stephen Chalmers curve included with Making Digital Negatives, plus a
suggestion to try the 1280 silver OHP curve, so will start there unless
there is a better suggestion. I plan to tweak the curves depending on the
step wedge tests, but hopefully it should be easier if I start at least
close to the best curve!
I'm working in high humidity (80% to 90%) and temperatures (29C to 32C) in
Fiji Islands, so I am expecting that the coating and printing results may
need some tweaking from the standard recommendations. Though from what I
have read, it seems that high humidity may actually help with the coating.
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