Re: Inkjet transparencies for Pt/Pd and Cyanotype

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From: Katharine Thayer (
Date: 03/08/02-08:52:31 AM Z

jacques verschuren wrote:
 but please, print your
> black, white and all shades of grey negative with color inks instead of
> black ink, as it has less grain and somehow looks more smooth. But all this
> is just my simple experience from trying to print gum with dig. negs.

This is conventional wisdom; I used to preach and practice it myself,
but it's not always the best advice. You may have missed my report on my
observations about printing on Pictorico, which included the information
that plain black ink on Pictorico (remember, from MY printer) produced a
gum print with good detail and tonal subtlety, the closest I had been
able to get (with a digital negative) to the sharpness and tonalities of
a gum print from a direct large-format in-camera negative, in spite of
the fact that the negative itself looked grainy and broken. whereas
printing black in colored inks from my printer, whatever the curve,
resulted in too much ink that puddled and pooled and migrated on the
film, result: useless negative.

One of the most important "rules" of alternative processes is that
general rules don't apply in every case.

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