Re: gum printing size

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From: Katharine Thayer (
Date: 03/11/02-02:10:38 AM Z

The biggest gum prints I've done were 20x30, and yes, multiple coats,
two in most cases but three on a couple of them.

You don't ask about the minimum size, but since there was recently a
discussion I didn't have time to jump into, about how small a gum print
could be, I'll add that I recently had a 2x3" print chosen for a juried

My average number of coats per image is, let's see.... 2.6 I just said
that because of my background as a statistician and because it seemed
like a funny thing to say, but it's probably pretty close although I
certainly don't have it worked out mathematically. Most of my work is
either two or three coats with maybe 15-20% one coat and maybe 10% more
than three. Hope that's helpful.

Christina Z. Anderson wrote:
> A quickie question: what is the largest gum print size you all print?
> Didn't someone on this list do 20x24 or am I mistaken? If that large, was
> it multiple coatings? And, what generally is the average amount of coats
> most of you do per image? I know these are elementary questions but some
> students want to know. I know Livick prints large, with tricolor halftones
> if I am not mistaken.
> Chris
> PS I'm out of town for a few days this afternoon so if I don't respond right
> away that's why

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