From: Gregory W. Blank (
Date: 03/11/02-03:53:14 PM Z
on 3/11/02 3:40 PM, Richard Sullivan at wrote:
> BTW, Stuart has been using liquor store Everclear a drinkable (!) 190 proof
> pure grain alcohol. This stuff is illegal in many states including
> California but folks sit in parking lots in New Mexico drinking it with a
> soda straw. But then we have one of the highest alcohol related death rates
> in the US too.
> Whether or not it works with Home Depot methyl alcohol remains to be seen
> but I suspect it works just as well with that.
> --Dick Sullivan
Three cheers for NM I love the place. In Maryland you can get everclear as
well, hopefully they aren't drinking it straight :-) as I understand that it
that way will close your esophegus. :-D
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