Thick Carbon Tissue Gelatin Pours

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Date: 03/15/02-12:16:36 PM Z

There have been a few e-mails relating to making heavier than normal pours
for making carbon tissues. I've been working with pouring 160 ml of 10 %
gelatin into a 10 x13 aluminum picture frame. I can't get the frame flat
enough so that the gel wont leak out around the bottom edge. In searchiing
around for a better method, I tried cutting a 10 x 13 opening in a sheet of
1/16" rubber sheet. It worked beautifully except the 1/16" was not quite
enough to prevent runover at the top. I wet the sheet of rubber and squeeged
it down over the previously squeeged sheet of paper. I have bought a sheet
of 1/8", 60 durometer red rubber and have cut the hole but wont try it until
this evening . It should do the trick. I will let you know.

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